Our question today comes from Stephanie, a loyal reader and supporter of KDC Events:
"I have always been told you should not wear certain colors to weddings:
Black is Bad luck
White is the brides color
Red takes away from the bride (and may suggest a fling with the groom..ahem)
The last wedding I attended a lot of people were wearing all those colors, has this changed?
Thanks, Steph"
Very interesting question Stephanie. It seems that with weddings today, all sorts of traditions and stipulations have been throwen right out the window! For instance, Brides are not even wearing white anymore! There are a plethoria of colors that bridal dresses are coming in.
We here at KDC Events feel that you should wear what you feel comfortable in. You should dress appropriatly for the event. If it is an outside wedding, and weather is cooler, please don't show up in a strappy spring colored dress. The point is, your attire should be condusive to the event (time, theme, location etc.)
So, if you want to wear black, by all means, do so. We found this great article on About.com. Check it out!
Here is a recent photo from my cousins wedding (feb 16, 2008)
NOTE: we are ALL wearing black!

I agree that a guest should wear whatever they want, as long as it is not white!!
I had the hardest time finding a dress for a co-workers wedding and was worried about buying something black (because it's an afternoon wedding). Ultimately, I did choose black. It's a classy color that's slimming, you can't go wrong!
I am glad we helped clarify things for you Leeann!
Thank you very much!!! This has really helped in my search
I wish I was getting married! Oh well for now I will have to stick to looking at what to wear as a guest! ;) hehe
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