Aug 27, 2010

It's Coming... Table Etiquette

We are working on a Table Etiquette post. What are your fears about a formal dinner setting? PLEASE Share them with us so we can help you with them.  Looking forward to the responses.


Photo credit: Me!

Aug 25, 2010

Winkee Winner!

Congratulations to COLLEEN!!

Colleen was randomly selected by Random.or and has won herself a Winkee

Colleen's need for the Winkee:
What a great invention. I avoid buying a lot of cute tops because they are just too low cut and in the summer it's too hot to add an extra layer. I'd love to win.

Thank you to everyone who entered. Check back for more giveaways!


Aug 22, 2010

Us...Guest Post...Yup! Check out Strictly Simple Style!

Hey Everyone! 

It has happened AGAIN!!!  Another fabulous blogger has asked US to guest post!  Who you ask?... Karen from Strictly Simple Style ~ Style for your home without the price tag.

The post: Guest Post From KDC Event Planning was a follow up to: Too Many Cooks Spoil the Bridal Shower.

Check out the post and Karen's blog, its fabulous!

Thanks Karen!!


Photo Credit: Karen from Strictly Simple Style

Aug 19, 2010

What's a Winkee You Say? Read on & WIN one!

Our friends at over at KMR Communications is at it again by introducing us to some fabulous finds! They are introducing us today to the Winkee. What's a Winkee you say? Well read on...

It’s official: We no longer have to resort to bulky tank tops or duct tape to cover up the dreaded “too-much cleavage” syndrome. The ultimate solution for wardrobe malfunctions is finally here! The Winkee is a stylish, lightweight bra accessory that can help cover cleavage without added bulk.

Let’s face it, wardrobe mishaps are not only confined to the red carpet or the Super Bowl. From slip up’s and slip out’s, sometimes clothes develop a mind of their own. For many women, it seems the dreaded bra flash happens at the most inopportune moments. No matter the size of your bosom, a low-cut shirt can become a source of discomfort in certain settings. Whether you’re in the office or at a family function, every woman has asked herself “Is this top too revealing?”

The Winkee, created by entrepreneurs Patricia Calamari and Karla Kennedy is an answer to this fashion dilemma. Combining the concept of a tank top layer with the added benefit of being removable, The Winkee allows women to cover cleavage when they need to, and switch from “day to night” seamlessly without having to change outfits completely.

According to Patricia, “The Winkee is a patent-pending design that solves every woman’s occasional need to have a multi-purpose outfit. From the jetsetter who simply wants to pack lighter, to today’s multi-tasking woman who wants to go from the boardroom to out on the town with friends, The Winkee has you covered – literally!”

The Winkee Cleavage Cover provides the ideal coverage for any plunging neckline in just three simple steps:
  1. Stick Winkee Dots on the inside of each of the three Winkee tabs
  2. Wrap top side tabs around straps of bra
  3. Wrap bottom tab under the middle of front of bra

Winkee, the ultimate solution to plunging necklines, is a revolutionary mock cami that easily covers cleavage. Winkee is a bra accessory that solves the problem of plunging necklines. It is easily attached to your bra in three easy steps, making it an affordable way to maximize your outfits without compromising their design. Your "bosom's buddy", takes a gal from the boardroom to bodacious in seconds. Priced from $17-$20

A Little History on heART & Soul Studios:
Patricia Calamari has been creating art for as long as she can remember. She has been an image maker and mentor for children for 20 years. She attended the School of Visual Arts, NYC and later finished her Bachelor of Fine Art at Lynn University. In 1994, Ms. Calamari went to work for a center for individuals with profound disabilities. It was there she was inspired by a very special population to create this unique shared painting process. The outcomes have been nationally award winning. Because of an overwhelming desire to display the creative spirit of individuals with disabilities, Patricia founded heart & Soul Studios, INC. in 1999.

So here is the best part...You can WIN a Winkee!!  Just leave a comment on this post as to why you, or someone you know needs this product, and we will select a winner on Wednesday, AUGUST 25! It's that easy =)

Click here to view some videos on the Winkee!


Photo Credit:

Aug 16, 2010

Indiana Jones Themed Party

Katie's son recently turned 5.  He is a huge Indiana Jones fan, so what more perfect than an Indie themed party? Leave it to Katie and Cindy to create the atmosphere of a great Indiana Jones move, all while making the kids the lead role. I guess you could say kids parties are our favorite to do!

The party was held at Momma Labonte's house (because of the pool).  the kids were able to swim and have fun.  Cindy set up a great obstacle course for your young Indiana Jones and guests to run through.  It was so fun.  While the kids were running through the course, looking for their treasure and artifacts, we the parents, were shooting "poison"darts (q-tips out of straws) at them.  It was so funny, and the kids thought it was great!

Cindy and Katie made each kid their own hat, whip and satchels. All by hand of course!

The cake was another momma Labonte original, complete with Lego Indiana Jones characters.

For food we kept it simple (I know...simple right), hot dogs and hamburgers. BUT we did have the "poison" drink (blue koolaid) and the "antidote" drink (lemonade).  Complete with slithering snakes.

This was a great idea for a kids party!  If you are interested in the satchels (which were made from dish towels) and whips, let us know...we could do a "how to" post on them!


Photo credit: me!

Aug 9, 2010

Tahitian Themed Bridal Shower

We are at it again with the tropical themes.  I guess we love them and they come easy to us! So here we go...

We recently put together a bridal shower for a great friend.  She is getting married in July and lives at the beach so the Tahitian/Tropical theme just just fit.  We were able to recycle a lot of our decorations form past parties (50th anniversary, birthdays etc).  It was a small, so we were able to go a little over the top on food and drinks.

We simplified the centerpiece to be functional and fun.  We used sand and HOMEMADE bamboo, flower pens. Yes...homemade!  Sometimes Katie and Cindy get so creative I could just die.  Where they come up with these things is beyond me. But hey, that's why we are a good team, they are creative and I help organize and execute! Anyways, back to the pens:

We wrapped the patio posts in a burlap fabric and used real palms out the top to look like trees:

The famous KDC Event photo op was present (recycled from the anniversary party):

We served appetizers and a main course. The appetizers were delicious, see below for photos and details. For the main course we served chicken and beef kabobs with fresh veggies, coconut cilantro rice, and pasta salad.

For the appetizers we had delicious grapes that were rolled in a cream cheese/blue cheese mixture covered in shaved almonds, and an artichoke Parmesan mixture stuffed in homemade won ton cups A beautiful fruit and veggie tray.  We also served a signature drink, called a Tropical Honeymoon:

Beef and Chicken Kabobs with delicious, Fresh Veggies and Coconut Cilantro Rice:

The cake was a Momma Labonte original complete with surfer girl cake topper (thanks to Cindy):

It was such a fun shower to put on.  Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Let us know what your thoughts are on it, Thanks!


Photo Credits: Us =)

Aug 4, 2010

Book Review: The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book by Holly Lefevre

I want to introduce you to one of my new bloggy friends, her name is Holly Lefevre.  I met this fabulous woman through two of her blogs, Hip Weddings, and 504 Main.  I fell in love with her posts, they were always full of such great ideas and information.  After reading her blogs for a while, I learned that she is the author of a great book called The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book.  I am a HUGE fan of etiquette (my other favorite bloggy friends is Etiquette with Miss Janice), so I was immediately intrigued!

Holly was nice enough to send me her book.  I read it cover to cover in one night, it is a very easy read, and FULL of great information.  Etiquette is something that people do not spend enough time on these days, so Holly is making it VERY easy for you to stay in line.  She was even gracious enough to answer a few questions for me.  So, without further ado...

Why did you decide to write an etiquette book?
It actually found me. I was working on another wedding project, when this opportunity came along. The other project was not moving along as quickly as I liked so I jumped at the chance to write something for the Everything series. There is a lot of wedding information out there, but I truly enjoy being able to provide advice that is real and honest - weddings are amazing but not always fun and "hearts and flowers" - there is real emotion and problems involved too. I had also been a speaker at bridal shows for years, covering planning design, and etiquette, so this was a natural progression.

How long did it take you to write the book?
If I recall the whole process was only about 3-4 months. Since this book is part of the Everything Series, there had been previous editions. I was not starting from scratch, but rather updating and rearranging a previous edition, which in some ways is a lot easier than starting from scratch, and other ways not. While I had the basic premise and a lot of viable information already, it was up to me to update the book with new etiquette questions and standards, to make the book my own, and to make it fit withe the series of books.
Hip Weddings

What is your favorite section of the book?
Tough one - they are all my favorites in different ways and for different reasons. I think I like The Business of Being A Bride. So many brides do not realize what it takes to pull a wedding - as they envisions weddings to be - off. I strive to be realistic in my advice and answers. I want them to understand this is a business for the vendors and for them, for two reasons...I do not believe in negotiating anyone to death or manipulating anyone into a price or service they cannot afford...this is both for the vendors and the brides. I want brides to realize help is out there in the form of a wedding planner or by involving your groom or family members. As much as I wish everyone would hire a wedding planner, I know this is not going to happen, so I really want to educate brides.

Which etiquette standard is ignored the most by brides, or grooms?
The one etiquette standard I see brides wanting to wiggle on all the time is not having the guests pay for anything. Too many times, to save money they want to have a cash bar or have the guests pay for their own valet parking. No, no, no! If you cannot afford it do not do it. Plan a wedding within your means.

I once worked with a couple who married at a major luxury hotel. They thought food was of the utmost importance (which it is to a degree). They had 10 different hor d'oeuvres and paid over $10,000 for their cocktail hour and then refused to pick up the valet parking (the only parking available without having to walk a number of blocks) bill of $10.00 per car. The hotel was even advising against this amount of hors d'oeuvres and they refused to listen. As a planner you can only do so much. Couples should also learn to trust the experts they hire and are working with.

Overall I say being gracious goes a long way. I was fortunate to work with mainly wonderful, kind brides, but I have also worked with my share of diva brides. The guests are paying the bride and groom an honor by coming to the wedding, as the bride/groom is honoring them with the invitation. This extends from beginning the ceremony on time and not making the guests wait for an unreasonable amount of time to planning your timeline so that guests are not left waiting for 2 hours for dinner to begin after the ceremony to playing appropriate music at the appropriate times of the reception.
Some of my Favorite Holly posts:
A Gracious Bride Knows
~ What's A Mother To Do?
~ True or False...The Mom's Must Match?

THANK YOU Holly for writing this book. I hope future brides realize how important it is, and read it! If you are interested in buying Holly's book, check out Amazon.
Photo Credit:

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